Flight Plan for Athletics

The vision of Charlotte Athletics is to work to ensure that we have a long term focus on growing our Scholar Athletes. The following four pillars allow for all of our community stakeholders to know and understand expectations for positive programming in our community. Go Orioles! Oriole Pride!


Motivating our students is essential to positive coaching. Coaches will utilize various means to build relationships and encourage positive interactions. This will include: Team events, encouraging interaction in programs year round, and social events that include various stakeholders.

There are various resources to research to improve our programs, Coaches are encouraged to be active in their coaches associations, and research best practices to benefit our students.

Coaches are role models, and our expectation is that the prominent role of Athletic Coaches in the community will be positive and supportive of our Charlotte Community. This includes participation in community events, mentoring youth sports, interaction with stakeholders, and a positive, professional presence with any social media.

Charlotte Athletes

Student Athletes will model Oriole P.R.I.D.E. in the community by building positive relationships and making contributions within community groups

Student Athletes will be positive role models for our younger students, and work to volunteer, support, and encourage them towards athletic participation.

The behavior of our Student Athletes will fully comply with Athletic and School Codes of conduct, modeling healthy choices and Oriole Pride.


Coaches will have frequent communication with parents and students. This will include start of the season meetings to set expectations for academic/behavioral expectations, and district/sport rules.

Coaches will utilize social media and local news sources to positively celebrate Charlotte Athletics.

Oriole Pride is a positive aspect in our community, and we will encourage coaches/programs to communicate about our points of pride in and outside of athletics. This can include: volunteering, participating in community events, and working to bring the community of Charlotte together to support our programs and students.


Coaches will make connections/relationships with various stakeholders for continuous improvement. Stakeholders include Parents, Athletes, Coaches in and outside of our schools/programs, and any other resources that benefit the program.

We share many of our resources as a community, so coaches will be mindful of maintaining athletic facilities (both indoor and outdoor) throughout the year.

We encourage community partnerships, with other teams and/or community resources. This can include Alive, Open gyms, and general support for all athletic activities for our students.

Our community has programs spanning all ages, and we will partner from Youth sports to High School sports to support and encourage our students.